LIPP Playing With Video Playback
This week, I decided to build on top of some of the color manipulation we did in class.
I used a video I took of a train passing a balcony for test input, alongside my laptop camera. I’m interested in glitching multiple videos together, so this seemed like a good method to start with.
I began by just creating a slider to blend the videos together. Simple enough, I pretty much just copied and pasted the patch from one of the first Max tutorials.
I then decided to spend some time messing with scissors and glue, which seem like the fundamental tools of glitching. I’d like to eventually make it more complex, but I struggled getting the routing to work properly, so for now it’s a 2x2 grid.
My videos and thoughts are below (I had a cold while I was making this, so I was in bed in the webcam feed):
I really enjoy the color fade effect I was able to achieve with RGB2Luma, and I think there’s something really fun about being able to pause/restart different sections of the video, as well as rearrange them.
I’m still struggling with understanding data flow and control in a Max context, which I guess is to be expected since this is my second week using it. As you can see in the fullscreen video, I’m using a matrix controller to control the scissors/gluing, and thus far I’m just button mashing to control it because I haven’t figured out the different axes.
Another thing I’m trying to implement but failing is controlling the number of rows and columns when I cut and glue. My attempts to send messages from a slider are failing, so I’m wondering if I’m misunderstanding something about how variables are sent from one object to another. I think I need to initialize it with the maximum amount of columns/rows I plan to use, but adjusting them while using it has eluded me so far.
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