
Fall/Winter 2023: Loops and Stepping Back

It's been a while since my last update, but I think mostly for good reasons. I've taken on a bit more of a management/coordination role in my day-to-day work, which has been surprisingly rewarding but cut into my free time. In that free time, I've been trying to actually live what I believe, in terms of trying to, I don't know, actually enjoy my life. This has, thus far, meant spending less time trying to do things for anyone's sake but my own or my loved ones.

Especially in light of an ongoing genocide and the continued failure of

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4 min read

Loop Study 000: The Loop

Tomorrow I'm embarking on my fourth hundred day project - a 100-day-straight practice of iterating on an idea, practice, piece of software, etc. Previously I've done:

The hundred days framework works well for me. I do well with structure and consistent deadlines, and "I have to do this every day" is an extremely simple and effective way of creating them. So far I've only missed two days out of three hundred (not counting a

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5 min read

June/July Update & Screenshot Dump

I have adopted a proper "blogger's cadence" at this point, wherein I am perpetually posting later than I intend to. This time it's actually for good reasons, though, instead of immense stress or personal tragedy!

My last update was at the beginning of May, and I took a couple of weeks slow to recover from moving, cat dying, "big performance", et cetera. Since the end of May, though, I've been going pretty much nonstop.

In the last two months, I:

  • Revived one of my favorite projects, Stay In Bed Simulator, for the Brooklyn Alt + Ctrl Showcase
  • Took an SFPC course
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3 min read

April/May '23 Update & Screenshot Dump

Yes, it's May now. Fuck you. Despite my optimism in the last update, the rough patch continued.

We had to say goodbye to our cat, Bartok. I've never been a cat person, but he wormed his way into my heart over the past few years. He was a beautiful little asshole, and it hurt a lot to see him in so much pain at the end. Still, we had a few happy days with him before we had to put him down, and he went down peacefully and painlessly. I'll miss you, buddy.

As all this was happening: we had

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4 min read

March '23 Update & Screenshot Dump

I haven't blogged yet this year. As always, not having a consistent schedule I feel obligated to fulfill tends to lead to me not doing things. But I figured I'd follow up on my end-of-year post, check in on what's been going on and where I'm at on the goals I set at the end of 2022, and maybe set myself up for a few follow-ups.

So Far This Year


It's been a wild few months! I forced myself not to start any new projects or another hundred days during January, despite getting bored out of my skull, because

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6 min read