The Solar Plant(er)
by Rashida Kamal, James Hosken, and Brent Bailey
Energy Challenge 1: Energy Spinner
For our first energy project, YuanYuan and I were inspired by a classic chinese toy: a rope-powered top. We decided to basically make an…
Final Version: Invisible Orchestra, Again
This is mostly a placeholder post while we work on fully editing all of our documentation, but: we did the thing! Using MIDI and Ableton…
Post-Testing Update: Airgan? Invisible Bagpipe?
After a week of testing different technologies and talking about design, Hayk and I have arrived at something in the same vein as the…
Lab 3 — Morse Code Lock
For Lab 3, I decided to follow the prompt in the syllabus from last week and make a lock, incorporating everything we’ve learned so far. I…