

Earning Relaxation

A short entry for the 21st day of my hundred days: I'm taking a sick day today, after a sleepless night of intense stomach pain (most likely because I ate too many almonds, which I did not realize was a thing until I was doubled over in pain at 2am last night). I actually tend to enjoy sick days, because it's a time when I feel like I've earned the right to relax. Most of the time I am so caught up in the things I need to do, or feel like I should be doing, that things that should

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1 min read

Testing Is Good, Actually

Me not writing tests til I'm nearly done with a project.

After a mere ten years of writing code professionally, I have finally attempted to start a project by writing out tests for its core functionality first. Apparently this is a whole thing. Who knew?

I tend to fall into the Grug school of thought on testing. A lot of the time I don't think it's super worthwhile to start writing tests before I really understand the problem space of a project, especially since historically I've switched frameworks and tools so often that the first few weeks of work on

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2 min read

Sunday Loop

Day 19 of this hundred days project and the weekend malaise is setting in. When I'm not following my set weekday schedule, I find it a lot harder to make time to write - weekends are full of tasks, social engagements, and things that pull me away from my desk (good) and make me forget to write (bad). It is, overall, probably a good thing that I do things like chores, exercise, and all the other stuff I have to do to keep my mind right, but man, do I really have to keep doing this every day for the

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1 min read

Letter of Recommendation: Monster Trucks


Gravedigger getting towed.

I went to Barclay's center to watch Monster Jam today, an experience I can never recommend highly enough. The trucks are huge, they do jumps and wheelies and, in the case of my all-time favorite, Gravedigger, an actual backflip! A girl power truck I hadn't seen before, Sparkle Smash, provided maybe the most consistent entertainment of the day by absolutely wrecking the hell out of her pink unicorn truck suit (I don't know the technical term for the mostly decorative chassis on top of the otherwise identical giant machines). Her unicorn horn

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1 min read

In Praise Of Self-Hosting

One little trend that gives me hope in these times is that a lot of people are starting their own websites. People are trying to return to a time when the internet was more personal, and everything wasn't centralized and aggregated on the same 3-4 platforms. People are starting webrings (please invite me to your webring). People are even trying to bring RSS back!

I tend to have mixed feelings about looking back at early eras of the web with too much nostalgia. Among a certain set it's become popular to yearn for the return of web 1.0, but

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3 min read