

In Praise Of Self-Hosting

One little trend that gives me hope in these times is that a lot of people are starting their own websites. People are trying to return to a time when the internet was more personal, and everything wasn't centralized and aggregated on the same 3-4 platforms. People are starting webrings (please invite me to your webring). People are even trying to bring RSS back!

I tend to have mixed feelings about looking back at early eras of the web with too much nostalgia. Among a certain set it's become popular to yearn for the return of web 1.0, but

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3 min read

The Great Decentralization Debate: Bluesky vs. Mastodon

I've been meaning to write a bit about this for a while, but finally getting into Bluesky last week has given me the push I needed to get to it. Back in November, Christine Lemmer-Webber, one of the original authors of the ActivityPub protocol behind software like Mastodon, wrote an excellently-researched piece called How Decentralized Is Bluesky Really? A lot of the technical ins-and-outs of the essay go a little over my head, but I think it's a worthwhile read if you, like me, are enough of a nerd to want to understand what's happening technically under the hood of

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4 min read