Things I Read/Played/Watched in 2022
[most of this only dates back to September '22 when i started using tiddlywiki]
- Blindsight & Echopraxia, Peter Watts
- Pandora's Star, Peter Hamilton
- Debt, David Graeber (started ~10/22, finished 11/20/22)
- The Left Hand Of Darkness, Ursula K. LeGuin (~8/22)
- Sorrowland, by Rivers Solomon (started 11/18/22)- eh. i am probably not going to finish this
- The Stormlight Archive, by Brandon Sanderson (started ~9/22, finished 12/22) - waiting til 2024 for a new book.
- IMMORTALITY - probably Sam Barlow's best work. Finally found a story that's as interesting as the mechanics.
- bithell "circular" series - eh. I like short story games but they're not doing much interesting here.
- A Quiet Year
- Citizen Sleeper - this rules, one of the first (of what I assume will be many) games to come out mimicking what Disco Elysium did. It does it well and adds some interesting mechanics (e.g. dice-rolling) and great art style. Could use a copy editor.
- Persona 5 - so much game. Really good, overarching story and themes were a bit more powerful (a lot more open questioning of when, if at all, it's right to change someone's mind by force) than P4 but the relationships in P4 had more emotional heft. Still prefer P4 overall.
- Haven - meh, cute but didn't feel worth finishing
- Paradise Killer - interesting aesthetic, didn't really have enough polish to make it worth suffering through the terrible copy editing.
- Hell Let Loose - fun but man it's a fuckin' commitment
- Madoka Magica (finished ~10/22)
- 1899 (finished ~12.22)