
100 Days, Day 30: Month 1 Reflections

This is the part where it gets hard. One aspect of daily practice that I'm discovering, especially when I set a broader goal for myself than "make a sketch every day", is that I'm constantly running up against my own boundaries and limits. I guess the key is, once I hit them, to run through instead of away. I'm not sure if I'm succeeding at that right now.

I haven't done a reflection for the last two weeks, partly because I was out of town for one of them and very busy the other. To be completely honest, though, I've

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3 min read

An URGENTCRAFT discussion question generator + some of my own thoughts

Some sample output.

Since I'm helping lead discussion in Scrapism this week, I made a little cut-up question generator for URGENTCRAFT, figuring I'd kill two birds with one stone. This is somewhat inspired by Kate Compton's Tracery. Any suggestions for tweaks to the sentence generation are welcome, I got pretty caught up trying to make the bash script perfect and didn't spend as much time on parts of speech as I'd like. Its output may not be the best way to start a discussion, so I've added some of my own thoughts and questions below.


#remove all html tags,
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4 min read

100 Days, Day 15: Week 2 Reflections

I am very tired. I did a lot this past week, but at the cost of a fair amount of sleep and falling into some bad habits.

The Good

In the interest of giving myself credit, the two big things I did last week are set up a notes page and set up a hot-reloading dev server for threejs sketches, which I'm currently just running manually on days that I use it until I come up with a satisfying way to host "complete" sketches. Using the latter, I set up a draft of a jitsi meet to three.js "3D

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3 min read

Setting Up A Live Remote Three.js Dev Server With Webpack and NGinx

I regret to announce that I am back on my bullshit.

I've spent most of the last week working on getting a live Webpack dev server running for my previous hundred days project. I finally got it working, and a boilerplate version is up on my GitHub if you'd like to skip straight to working code, although you'll need to change a few variable names in there to reflect your own host. In the context of my hundred days project, this was a bit of a step back: I fell into some bad habits (not keeping good notes on what

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6 min read

100 Days, Day 7: Week 1 Reflections

I am beginning to realize that a significant portion of what I want to do with this hundred days project is to become a more organized person, publicly, online. This may not be the best way to go about it.

The reality of the situation is that I'm trying to blend infrastructural improvements with a daily creative practice, and I can't really do both at the same time. I'm building the boat while I'm sailing it.

That recognition has made things feel a bit overwhelming. On days where I don't have several hours to work on things, I've defaulted to

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2 min read