

Now Is Usually A Bad Time

For the 2,922nd day in a row, it's the stupidest day in American history. I am spending the day addressing save the dates for my wedding and slow-cooking some short rib. It feels strange to be going about my usual business during world-historical moments, but since "weeks where decades happen" have been happening with an alarming regularity for quite some time, it seems like the only thing to do.

In retrospect this was a pretty bad week to decide to give Bluesky a shot. I used Skybridge to import my old follows from Twitter (which was a pretty smooth

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3 min read

Hierarchy Of Needs

As I attempt to re-orient my internal compass towards prioritizing my mental and physical well-being and close relationships, I've been thinking a lot about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It's been a popular meme format for the last few years, but it may shock you to learn that it's an actual psychological theory from the 50s!

This is far from a rigorous scientific concept, and Maslow himself was kind of a weird asshole - he came up with the pyramid by studying "self-actualizing" people, believing that studying struggling people could be of no use:

"The study of crippled, stunted, immature, and
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4 min read

Setting Up Tags and Post Previews In A Ghost Theme

After thinking through the appeal of boring technology yesterday, I've decided to stick with Ghost for my blog for the time being and actually, you know, put in the time to learn its theming system rather than start from scratch with something new. Ghost meets a lot of my criteria for my personal site: open source, self-hosted, and a pretty decent existing ecosystem. I'm not sure if it's quite at the level of boring that something like Django or Postgres is - things tend to break pretty badly whenever I update it, still - but it's been around for a

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4 min read

1/17 Link Roundup & Screenshot Dump

I've reached day 3 of my hundred days and I'm already out of ideas. A new record! However, I accounted for this inevitability in the goal I set for myself, which was just to "write something on my blog every day". I'd like to add some functionality to the blog to display shorter posts in the main feed - things like til or links with short notes attached - which will then basically allow me to do a hundred days of tweets but on my personal site if I so wish. In the meantime, though, I'm stuck with the blog

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6 min read

In Search Of A Second Brain

For most of the past decade, I have been pretty good about keeping notes. This is maybe the one thing I can consistently take pride in: no matter what else I'm dealing with, I tend to keep a journal and write things down. The format this takes over the years, however, has changed a lot.

A timeline of my private and public note-taking practice.

A brief summary: up until I started grad school in 2018, I kept my journal, to-do lists, writing drafts, and so on in Microsoft OneNote, taking paper notes in the context of classes because I felt

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5 min read