

Testing Is Good, Actually

Me not writing tests til I'm nearly done with a project.

After a mere ten years of writing code professionally, I have finally attempted to start a project by writing out tests for its core functionality first. Apparently this is a whole thing. Who knew?

I tend to fall into the Grug school of thought on testing. A lot of the time I don't think it's super worthwhile to start writing tests before I really understand the problem space of a project, especially since historically I've switched frameworks and tools so often that the first few weeks of work on

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2 min read

1/17 Link Roundup & Screenshot Dump

I've reached day 3 of my hundred days and I'm already out of ideas. A new record! However, I accounted for this inevitability in the goal I set for myself, which was just to "write something on my blog every day". I'd like to add some functionality to the blog to display shorter posts in the main feed - things like til or links with short notes attached - which will then basically allow me to do a hundred days of tweets but on my personal site if I so wish. In the meantime, though, I'm stuck with the blog

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6 min read