

2/7 Link Roundup

It's Friday, my dudes. It has been an extremely long week in the world and for me, so here's some links I enjoyed this week.

Despair-Driven Development - Makes the argument for despair as a driver for positive change, since action gives you respite from it. My personal experience of despair in the workplace has not been that it makes me more productive, but I guess I have occasionally been motivated to do things out of sheer spite. Worth considering.

Dither Me This - Fun little web dithering tool. This is probably going on the long list of "cool graphics

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2 min read

Setting Up Django With Vite On Windows Subsystem for Linux

This is documented piecemeal elsewhere, but I ran into enough small issues as a WSL user that it seemed worth writing up, and while django-vite is a cool tool I think it assumes a lot of domain knowledge that new users may not have.

Though I've been a fan of the HTMX minimal dependencies philosophy for a while, I am accepting the necessity of having some degree of JavaScript build pipeline: even if you're keeping all your logic on the back-end, there are plenty of things it's preferable to be able to install through NPM, and the Django ecosystem for

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3 min read

Programmatically Creating Styled Cells In Jupyter Notebooks

I've been playing around with the idea of using Jupyter notebooks as a narrative game interface for a while, and finally got around to doing some prototyping this week. One thing I really wanted to do was require users to run code cells in Jupyter to unlock story beats: Jupyter notebooks are usually presented as a step-by-step tutorial, which is perfectly fine if you're trying to teach someone how to run a linear regression in sklearn but less so if you're trying to build suspense over the course of a story.

It's pretty easy to get output from just running

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3 min read