

Letter of Recommendation: Monster Trucks


Gravedigger getting towed.

I went to Barclay's center to watch Monster Jam today, an experience I can never recommend highly enough. The trucks are huge, they do jumps and wheelies and, in the case of my all-time favorite, Gravedigger, an actual backflip! A girl power truck I hadn't seen before, Sparkle Smash, provided maybe the most consistent entertainment of the day by absolutely wrecking the hell out of her pink unicorn truck suit (I don't know the technical term for the mostly decorative chassis on top of the otherwise identical giant machines). Her unicorn horn

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1 min read

Letters of Recommendation: Signalis, Mushroom Coffee

Since I've spent most of today waiting for a delayed train or on said train, I decided to write about two of the things that got me through it.

1) Signalis

This 2022 game by Berlin studio Rose Engine has been sitting in my Steam library for a few months now, and I finally picked it up this week. I play a lot of artsy indie games, but I don't think I often see overlap between those and the survival horror genre. This threads the needle beautifully - hallucinatory dream sequences, beautiful pixel art, and compelling poetry, punctuated with some

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3 min read